Goldfields Tvet College Closing Date for Registration

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Goldfields Tvet College Closing Date for Registration

Goldfields Tvet College Closing Date for Registration  Is goldfields tvet college open for 2024?

If you’re considering enrolling at Goldfields TVET College, it’s crucial to be aware of the closing date for registration. Understanding this deadline is essential to ensure a smooth and timely application process. In this article, we will provide you with the necessary information regarding the Goldfields TVET College closing date for registration, enabling you to plan and complete your application on time.

Being aware of the Goldfields TVET College closing date for registration is crucial for prospective students. By visiting the official college website and contacting the admissions office, you can obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding the registration deadline. Ensure that you submit your application and required documentation well before the closing date to increase your chances of securing a place at the college. Remember to regularly check for updates and adhere to the application guidelines provided by Goldfields TVET College.

Identifying the Closing Date: Is goldfields tvet college open for 2024?

The closing date for registration at Goldfields College may vary depending on the academic year and the specific programs offered. It is essential to obtain the most up-to-date information regarding the closing date to avoid missing out on the opportunity to enrol.

Official College Website:

To find the precise closing date for registration, visit the official Goldfields College website. Look for the “Admissions” or “Registration” section, as this is where you are likely to find the relevant information. The website will provide the official closing date, which may be subject to change, so it’s important to check regularly for updates.

Contact the College:

If you are unable to find the closing date on the website or require further clarification, contacting the college directly is advisable. Use the contact information provided on the website, such as the admissions office phone number or email address, to reach out and inquire about the closing date for registration. The college staff will be able to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information.

Applying Before the Closing Date:

To ensure a successful application process, it is recommended to submit your application well before the closing date. This allows sufficient time for processing and any potential follow-up requirements. Applying early also minimizes the risk of encountering any last-minute technical issues or delays.

Required Documentation:

When applying for registration at Goldfields TVET College, gather all the necessary documentation in advance. These documents typically include:

  • Certified copies of your highest educational qualification or latest school results
  • Identification documents (e.g., ID card, passport, birth certificate)
  • Proof of residence
  • Any additional documents specified by the college for the program you are applying to


Ensure that your documents are certified copies, as original documents are generally not required during the application stage.

Read Also: Goldfields TVET College Online Application Forms 2024-2025


36 Buren Street, Flamingo Park, Welkom, 9459

057 910 6000


Monday – Thursday

7:30 AM – 4:15 PM


7:30 AM – 2:00 PM

Weekends and Holidays



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