Motheo Tvet College Online Application 2024 Second Semester
Motheo TVET College Second Semester Application 2025-2026 Is Motheo open for the second semester?
All candidates seeking admission to study any program at Motheo TVET College for the academic year 2025-2026 are highly recommended to check the list of courses offered at the college that has gained the Council on Higher Education accreditation before applying. The Online Application for the Second Semester of 2025-2026 at Motheo Tvet College closed on the 30th of September and applicants are supposed to check the school website for the new date of application. All learners are encouraged to make use of this bursary support as it provides financial relief to low-income households.
Motheo TVET College is one of the four public TVET Colleges in the Free State, serving the Motheo and Xhariep Districts. The College is comprised of three campuses, a Central office and three satellites.
The central office and Bloemfontein campus are situated in the Bloemfontein Central Business District, Mangaung Metro within the Motheo district. Bloemfontein campus focuses mainly on the training of Business Studies NC(V)- and Report 191 programmes. Training of disabled students (deaf, blind and physically impaired) is catered for at this campus. Hillside View campus serving Bloemanda Township which is 8 km from the Central office. The campus is more inclined towards engineering programmes both NC(V) and Report 191. Thaba’Nchu campus is in the semi-rural area of Thaba’Nchu, which is approximately 70 km from Bloemfontein CBD. This campus has a programme mix of both Engineering and Business studies.
The process to apply for Motheo TVET College(Is Motheo open for the second semester?)
Registration Documents for Motheo TVET College
During registration, the following documents must be available:
Foreign Students
Read Also; Motheo TVET College Online Registration 2025-2026
Admission requirements to Motheo TVET College
National Certificate (Vocational) NQF Levels 2 – 4
Report 191 National Certificate N4 (Business and General Studies)
Report 191 National Certificate Engineering N4
Courses offered at Motheo TVET College
National Certificate Vocational
Engineering and ICT
Nated courses report 191
Central Office:
051 406 9300
Fax: 051 406 9434
c/o St Georges and Aliwal streets
Private Bag X20509
Bloemfontein, 9300
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