What Courses Does Ekurhuleni West College Offer?

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What Courses Does Ekurhuleni West College Offer?

What Courses Does Ekurhuleni West College Offer? Which courses does EWC offer?

Ekurhuleni West College (EWC) is a leading educational institution in South Africa that offers a wide range of courses to cater to the diverse interests and career aspirations of students. Whether you’re a recent high school graduate, a working professional seeking to enhance your skills, or someone looking to switch careers, EWC provides an array of programs designed to meet your educational needs. In this article, we will explore the various courses offered by Ekurhuleni West College and highlight the opportunities available to students.

Ekurhuleni West College offers a wide range of courses and programs to suit the diverse needs and aspirations of students. Whether you’re interested in vocational training, NATED programs, or short courses to enhance specific skills, EWC provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. By enrolling in one of the programs offered at EWC, you can acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary to pursue a successful career in various industries. Visit the official Ekurhuleni West College website for detailed information on specific courses, admission requirements, and application procedures.

Online Applications

New Student Applications

To apply online, please click here: Online Applications – New Students.

Go to this page if you are applying to study at EWC for the first time.

Returning Student Applications

To apply online, please click here: Online Applications – Returning Students.

Use this link to apply if you are already an EWC student and are returning to do another semester or trimester.

Courses Offered at Ekurhuleni West College: Which courses does EWC offer?

National Certificate (Vocational) Courses

Ekurhuleni West College offers a variety of National Certificate (Vocational) courses that provide practical and industry-specific training. These courses are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required for a specific career path. Some of the vocational courses offered at EWC include:

  • Engineering and Related Design: This course focuses on practical skills in fields such as electrical infrastructure construction, civil engineering construction, and automotive repair and maintenance.
  • Business Studies: The business studies program covers subjects like financial management, marketing, human resources, and entrepreneurship, preparing students for careers in business administration and management.
  • Hospitality: EWC’s hospitality courses provide training in areas such as professional cookery, food and beverage services, and accommodation services, offering opportunities for employment in the vibrant hospitality industry.

NATED Programs

EWC also offers National Accredited Technical Education Diploma (NATED) programs, which provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various fields. These programs are ideal for students who wish to pursue a more in-depth study of their chosen field. Some of the NATED programs available at EWC include:

  • Engineering Studies: This program offers specializations in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and chemical engineering. It equips students with a solid foundation in engineering principles and practical skills.
  • Business Studies: The business studies program at the NATED level focuses on areas such as management, marketing, accounting, and entrepreneurship, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the business world.
  • Hospitality and Tourism: EWC’s NATED program in hospitality and tourism covers subjects like hotel management, food and beverage management, tourism operations, and event management, preparing students for careers in the dynamic hospitality and tourism sectors.

Short Courses and Skills Programs

In addition to the formal diploma and certificate programs, EWC offers a range of short courses and skills programs designed to enhance specific skills or provide targeted training. These courses are often tailored to meet industry demands and can be an excellent way to acquire new skills or upgrade existing ones. Some examples of short courses and skills programs at EWC include:

  • Computer Literacy: This course is designed to develop essential computer skills, including word processing, spreadsheet management, and basic computer troubleshooting.
  • Occupational Health and Safety: EWC offers courses focused on promoting workplace safety and preventing accidents, covering topics such as risk assessment, first aid, and emergency response.
  • Language Courses: EWC provides language courses in English and other languages, helping students improve their communication skills and enhance their employability in an increasingly globalized world.

Read Also: Ekurhuleni West TVET College Prospectus 2024-2025 PDF

Contact Details

Physical Address:
Cnr. Flag and Rose-Innes Roads
Postal Address:
Private Bag X1030
Germiston 1400
Tel: +27 (0)11 323 1600
Fax: +27 (0)11 323 1601
E-mail: info@ewc.edu.za


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