What is the difference between matric rewrite and upgrade?

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What is the difference between matric rewrite and upgrade?

What is the difference between matric rewrite and upgrade? What does Matric upgrade mean?

For students who did not achieve satisfactory results in their matriculation examinations in South Africa, there are two options available to improve their academic standing: matric rewrite and upgrade. While these terms may sound similar, they refer to distinct processes aimed at helping students enhance their matriculation results. In this article, we will explore the differences between matric rewrite and upgrade, shedding light on their objectives and procedures.

Matric rewrites and matric upgrades are two distinct processes designed to assist South African students in improving their matriculation results. Matric rewrite allows students to retake exams in specific subjects, while matric upgrade involves a re-evaluation of the original exam papers to potentially increase the overall aggregate score. Understanding these differences can help students make informed decisions about the most suitable approach to enhance their academic standing. Whether through matric rewrite or upgrade, students have the opportunity to strive for improved results and unlock greater educational and career opportunities.

Matric Rewrite: What does Matric upgrade mean?

Matric rewrite is a process that allows students to rewrite specific subjects in which they obtained unsatisfactory results. It provides an opportunity for students to improve their grades by retaking the exams for the subjects they wish to enhance. Matric rewrite is typically available for students who have completed their matriculation examinations but are not satisfied with their scores.

The rewriting process involves registering for the desired subjects at an accredited examination centre. Students are then required to prepare and study independently or seek assistance from tutors or study materials. The rewritten exams usually take place during the next examination cycle, providing students with a chance to demonstrate their improved knowledge and skills in specific subjects.

Matric Upgrade:

On the other hand, matric upgrade focuses on improving the overall matriculation certificate by increasing the aggregate score. Unlike matric rewrite, which targets specific subjects, matric upgrade aims to enhance cumulative performance across all subjects. It allows students to revisit their original exam papers and have them re-evaluated for potential errors or discrepancies.

The matric upgrade process involves applying to the Department of Basic Education (DBE) or the relevant provincial education department for a remark or re-evaluation of the original exam papers. Experienced examiners review the papers to ensure accurate marking and evaluation. If any errors or discrepancies are identified, the necessary corrections are made, potentially leading to an increase in the student’s overall aggregate score.

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Key Differences:

  • Focus: Matric rewrite focuses on improving specific subject grades, whereas matric upgrade aims to enhance the overall aggregate score of the matriculation certificate.
  • Scope: Matric rewrite allows students to retake exams for individual subjects, while matric upgrade involves a re-evaluation of the original exam papers across all subjects.
  • Process: Matric rewrite requires students to register for specific subjects and retake the exams in the subsequent examination cycle. Matric upgrade involves applying for a remark or re-evaluation of the original exam papers through the relevant educational authorities.
  • Objective: The objective of matric rewrite is to improve grades in specific subjects for more satisfactory performance. Matric upgrade aims to rectify potential errors or discrepancies in the original marking process, leading to an improved overall aggregate score.


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